We love answering your emails, but hopefully this page can answer some of your questions beforehand. Always please feel free to contact us.

How many chickens can a coop hold? For 1-9 chickens we suggest a 5×8. For 9-18 chickens we suggest a 6×10. * Please keep in mind a “coop” is typically for birds to roost up at night. They will need a run or to be able to free range during the day.

How much for delivery? Please contact us with your zip code for rate.

Do I need to help with delivery? No. With the information of the land layout we will come prepared to unload and set the coop in desired location with the homeowners direction. If the homeowner is willing to help, thank you! Please notify us and we can direct if any help is needed. * Please make us aware of any obstacles that would make delivery more difficult.

Do I need to prepare anything before delivery? Yes. Leveling your desired coop spot is highly recommended. If you would like to go a bit further a common set up would be to lay 1×1 blocks in the shape of your purchased coop or coop+run.

How do you move the coop? We use a roller system.

Can I add on a run at a later date? Yes. You may contact us at a later date to build a run. We will come and install your new run to your Mellott Chicken Coop.

What wire do you use? We use 1/2in x 1in 16 gauge welded wire for our coops and runs.

Can you install hardware cloth instead of the welded wire? No, we do not choose to work with hardware cloth.

Can a divider be added between a coop and run? Yes. Please contact for pricing.