Fun Activities for Kids to do with Chickens in the Summer

Summertime is the perfect season for children to explore the great outdoors and engage in interactive activities. If you’re fortunate enough to have chickens, these feathered friends can provide endless entertainment for kids. Not only do chickens offer an opportunity for children to connect with nature and learn about responsibility, but they also make wonderful companions. In this blog post, we’ll explore a range of fun and educational activities that kids can enjoy with chickens during the summer months.

  1. Chicken Coop Building: Engage your children in a hands-on experience by involving them in the construction or enhancement of a chicken coop. Kids can learn about basic woodworking skills, measurements, and the importance of creating a safe and comfortable space for their feathery companions. They can help paint the coop, set up perches, and contribute to the overall design.
  2. Egg Collecting: Egg collecting is not only exciting for kids but also teaches them about responsibility and the natural life cycle. Allow children to gather eggs from the nesting boxes, encouraging them to be gentle and careful with the delicate treasures. Make it a daily routine, and they’ll learn about consistency and punctuality.
  3. Feeding and Watering: Feeding and watering chickens can be a fantastic opportunity for children to practice compassion and nurturing skills. Show them the appropriate feed and water containers and explain the importance of a balanced diet for the well-being of the chickens. Encourage kids to monitor the feed levels and ensure fresh water is available at all times.
  4. Chicken Training: Believe it or not, chickens can be trained! Kids can learn the basics of positive reinforcement by teaching chickens simple tricks like coming when called or jumping onto a low perch. This activity promotes patience, focus, and problem-solving while fostering a bond between the children and their feathered friends.
  5. Chicken Agility Course: Designing and building a mini agility course for chickens can be an exciting project for kids. Using simple materials like small ramps, tunnels, and low hurdles, children can create a course to challenge their chickens’ agility and coordination. This activity not only provides amusement but also encourages creative thinking and problem-solving.
  6. Feather Art and Crafts: Utilize the naturally shed feathers from your chickens to create beautiful art and crafts projects. Kids can create feather paintings, bookmarks, dreamcatchers, or even fashion headpieces. This activity sparks creativity and allows children to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of feathers.
  7. Storytelling and Chicken Education: Combine learning and entertainment by encouraging kids to create imaginative stories featuring their chickens. They can invent characters, adventures, and even write and illustrate their own chicken-themed books. This activity stimulates creativity, language development, and fosters a love for storytelling.
  8. Garden Companions: Involve your children in gardening activities alongside the chickens. Chickens can be excellent garden companions, helping to control pests and fertilize the soil. Kids can learn about organic gardening, plant identification, and the importance of sustainable practices.
  9. Watermelon Treats: During the summer, watermelon becomes a refreshing and delicious treat, and guess what? Chickens love it too! Involve your kids in preparing special watermelon treats for the chickens. Not only will this activity be fun for kids, but it also offers a chance to teach them about healthy eating habits for animals. Explain that while watermelon is a tasty treat, it should only be given in moderation as a supplement to their regular diet. Encourage kids to observe how much the chickens enjoy the watermelon and how it can help keep them hydrated during hot summer days.

Introducing children to the world of chickens during the summer months can be a rewarding and enriching experience. Through engaging activities such as coop building, egg collecting, training, and creative endeavors, kids can develop skills, foster compassion, and form a special bond with their feathery companions. These fun and educational activities will not only keep children entertained but also provide valuable life lessons that can last a lifetime. So, get ready for a summer filled with feathers, laughter, and unforgettable memories with chickens.

Have littles that are super little? Check out this post with our friends at Straight Forward Mom!

Looking for Summer fun for really little ones? Check out this post on Straight Forward Mom!