Gift Guide for Chicken Keepers

(That you can purchase on AMAZON!)

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Ah, the joys of keeping chickens – the daily clucking symphony, the cozy coops, and of course, the fresh, delicious eggs! If you have a chicken-loving friend or family member, you’re in luck, because we’ve rounded up the most heartwarming gifts that’ll make their coop adventure even more egg-citing. Whether they’re old pros at poultry-keeping or just starting out, these gifts will surely have their feathered friends flapping their wings with happiness!

  1. Stackable Egg Rack: The Eggstravaganza!

Let’s start with something every chicken keeper needs: a stackable egg rack. Picture a kitchen adorned with a charming, rustic egg rack where fresh eggs nestle safely. This not only keeps those delicious eggs organized but adds a dash of farmhouse charm to any kitchen. The best part? It helps ensure you use the oldest eggs first, so none go to waste.

  1. Chicken Treat Table: A Fine Dining Experience for Feathered Friends!

Have you ever imagined chickens sitting down for a proper meal at a picnic table? Well, with a chicken treat table, your friend’s hens can do just that! Complete with tiny benches, it adds a touch of whimsy to the coop and makes treat time a real spectacle. Get ready for some clucking good photos!

  1. Chicken Treats: Yummy Surprises for Happy Hens!

Every chicken keeper loves spoiling their feathered friends with delectable treats. Chicken treats come in all shapes and sizes – from dried mealworms to gourmet grain blends, designed to boost chicken health and egg production. Your friend will adore these tasty surprises for their beloved flock.

  1. Linen Egg Apron: The Egg Hunter’s Best Friend!

Collecting eggs can be a tricky business, but with a linen egg apron, it becomes a breeze. These aprons come equipped with pockets for secure egg storage, freeing up both hands for collecting. It’s not just practical; it adds a delightful touch to your friend’s chicken-keeping ensemble.

  1. Egg Carton Sticker: A Personalized Egg Parade!

Personalize your gift with egg carton stickers featuring fun and adorable designs. These stickers allow your friend to proudly display their eggs while adding a unique and personal touch. A simple gesture, yet it speaks volumes about your thoughtfulness.

  1. Egg Carton Stamp: Marking Eggs with Love!

For a truly personal touch, consider an egg carton stamp. This nifty tool lets your friend mark their cartons with their name or a special message, turning each egg into a work of art. It’s a delightful way to show off their egg collection with pride.

  1. Chicken Mama Shirt: Wear Your Feathers with Pride!

For the ultimate display of chicken love and humor, a “Chicken Mama” shirt is the way to go. It’s like wearing your heart on your sleeve – or rather, on your chest! These shirts come in various designs and styles, so you can find the perfect one that matches your friend’s personality and flair.

  1. Fresh Eggs Daily Cookbook: A Feast for the Egg-Lover!

We can’t forget the culinary aspect of fresh eggs! The “Fresh Eggs Daily Cookbook” is a delightful addition to any chicken keeper’s kitchen. Packed with egg-centric recipes, it allows your friend to turn their bountiful egg collection into mouthwatering meals that showcase the incredible versatility of these gems from the coop.

9. Harvest Egg Basket: An Egg Collection Basket, Never Drop an Egg!

A gathering basket is a timeless companion for any chicken keeper, much like a trusty friend on their farmstead. As they stroll through the coop, this basket swings lightly from their arm, ready to collect freshly laid eggs, garden greens, or any other treasures their feathered companions provide. Sturdy, handwoven, and adorned with rustic charm, the gathering basket is both practical and picturesque. It symbolizes the heart and soul of their daily chicken-keeping routines, carrying the fruits of their labor and the love they pour into their flock. Whether it’s used for collecting eggs, gathering fresh herbs, or even transporting treats to their feathered friends, this basket is an indispensable tool in the life of a devoted chicken keeper, connecting them intimately to the world of their beloved chickens.

Finding the perfect gift for a chicken keeper doesn’t have to be a complex task. The items listed in this guide are not only practical but also a heartfelt way to appreciate their passion for raising and caring for their chickens. Each of these gifts adds a touch of convenience and charm to their daily routine. So, whether you choose to surprise them with a stackable egg rack, a chicken treat table, or a cozy “Chicken Mama” shirt, rest assured that your thoughtful gift will make their chicken-keeping experience even more enjoyable and memorable. Happy gifting!



Educational Chicken Worksheets

Education is an essential aspect of a child’s growth and development. Making the learning process enjoyable and engaging can significantly impact a child’s receptiveness to new information. One fantastic way to combine fun and education is through chicken-themed worksheets! With their clucking charm and fascinating nature, chickens can captivate young minds while imparting valuable knowledge. Explore the benefits of using educational chicken worksheets for children and share some exciting activities to inspire their love for learning!

Be sure to download the first fun pdf’s I made here free!

The Joy of Chicken Dust Baths: Why Chickens Love Getting Dirty

Chickens are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors, and one of their most amusing habits is taking dust baths. You may have seen chickens happily rolling around in a dusty patch, fluffing their feathers and flicking dirt all over themselves. But why do they do this? In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of chicken dust baths and uncover the reasons behind this seemingly strange behavior.

Chickens are quite meticulous when it comes to personal hygiene. By taking dust baths, they keep their feathers clean and free from parasites such as mites and lice. Dusting allows them to remove excess oil and dirt, promoting healthy skin and preventing the infestation of harmful insects.

Chickens are known for finding the ideal dust bathing spots. They prefer loose, dry soil or sand that allows them to create a comfortable hollow. These spots are often located in sunny areas and can be found in chicken coops, under shrubs, or even in specially designated dust bathing areas provided by their caretakers.

If you observe your chickens exhibiting certain behaviors, it’s likely they are enjoying a dust bath. They will begin by scratching and digging a shallow hole in the ground. Next, they’ll lower their bodies into the hole, flapping their wings and rolling from side to side. The dirt will fly everywhere, creating quite a spectacle!

There are several reasons why chickens love dust baths. Firstly, it provides them with a form of entertainment and enrichment. The act of rolling around in the dust is not only enjoyable for them but also helps alleviate boredom and stress.

Chickens lack sweat glands and, therefore, struggle to regulate their body temperature efficiently. Dust bathing helps them cool down by reducing heat and maintaining a comfortable body temperature. The dust acts as an insulator, shielding them from excessive heat and UV rays.

Dust bathing is not only an individual activity; it also serves as a social event for chickens. You will often find them dust bathing together, strengthening their social bonds and establishing their hierarchy within the flock. It’s a time for relaxation and camaraderie.

Dust baths also have a practical purpose: pest control. As chickens roll around in the dust, it helps to suffocate and dislodge any parasites residing on their feathers and skin. This natural method of pest control is an effective way for chickens to stay healthy and free from unwanted hitchhikers.

Regular dust bathing has significant health benefits for chickens. By removing excess oils, dust helps prevent feather matting and keeps their plumage in top condition. It also aids in the shedding of old feathers, making way for healthy new ones to grow.

As chicken keepers, it’s important to provide your feathered friends with suitable dust bathing areas. Consider creating a dedicated space in their coop or run by providing a shallow container filled with fine sand or soil. This allows them to engage in their natural behavior and keep themselves clean and content.

In situations where dust bathing areas are limited, chickens may resort to other alternatives, such as using dry leaves or straw for a similar effect. However, it’s crucial to provide them with proper dusting areas to ensure their health and well-being.

Observing chickens indulging in dust baths is both entertaining and educational. From maintaining hygiene and pest control to promoting social bonding and relaxation, dust bathing plays a vital role in a chicken’s life. By understanding and accommodating this natural behavior, we can ensure our feathered companions live happy and healthy lives.

Next time you catch your chickens immersed in a cloud of dust, take a moment to appreciate the importance of their dust bathing ritual. It’s a remarkable aspect of their behavior that brings them joy, cleanliness, and an overall sense of well-being. Embrace the dusty chaos and marvel at the wonders of the chicken world!

Strawberry Pancakes

The allure of fresh strawberries is simply undeniable. Their sweet, juicy goodness captivates our senses and leaves us yearning for more. With my mom’s strawberry patch flourishing like never before, she recently took full advantage and transformed the luscious berries into delectable syrup and jam. During Benny’s visit, he caught a glimpse of the jam-making process and was promptly invited to return the next day, armed with a jar to bring back to our house. However, with the jam’s limited shelf life of just two weeks, my mind is now brimming with exciting ideas on how to infuse strawberry magic into a variety of delectable creations.

I easily turned my go-to, old-fashioned pancake recipe into a strawberry treat this morning using this recipe:

Strawberry Pancakes:

  • 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 3 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon white sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 tablespoons fresh strawberry jelly
  • 1 egg


  1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the milk, egg, and jelly.
  2. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and gently stir until just combined. Be careful not to overmix; a few lumps are fine.
  3. Preheat a the skillet or griddle over medium heat.
  4. Add 1 tablespoon butter.
  5. Pour about ¼ cup of batter onto the skillet for each pancake. Cook until bubbles form on the surface of the pancake, then carefully flip it and cook the other side until golden brown. Repeat the process with the remaining batter, adjusting the heat as necessary to prevent burning.
  6. Serve and Enjoy: I added raw agave syrup while the kids and Ben used regular maple syrup. You could go even further adding powdered sugar and whipped cream to really make it special.

With this recipe, you can bring the lusciousness of strawberries to your breakfast table in a delightful and creative way. The homemade strawberry jam adds a burst of fruity sweetness, taking these pancakes to the next level. Whether it’s a lazy weekend morning or a special occasion, these strawberry pancakes will surely bring joy and satisfaction to everyone who takes a bite. So, go ahead, gather your ingredients, and treat yourself to a plateful of strawberry-infused deliciousness!

Fun Activities for Kids to do with Chickens in the Summer

Summertime is the perfect season for children to explore the great outdoors and engage in interactive activities. If you’re fortunate enough to have chickens, these feathered friends can provide endless entertainment for kids. Not only do chickens offer an opportunity for children to connect with nature and learn about responsibility, but they also make wonderful companions. In this blog post, we’ll explore a range of fun and educational activities that kids can enjoy with chickens during the summer months.

  1. Chicken Coop Building: Engage your children in a hands-on experience by involving them in the construction or enhancement of a chicken coop. Kids can learn about basic woodworking skills, measurements, and the importance of creating a safe and comfortable space for their feathery companions. They can help paint the coop, set up perches, and contribute to the overall design.
  2. Egg Collecting: Egg collecting is not only exciting for kids but also teaches them about responsibility and the natural life cycle. Allow children to gather eggs from the nesting boxes, encouraging them to be gentle and careful with the delicate treasures. Make it a daily routine, and they’ll learn about consistency and punctuality.
  3. Feeding and Watering: Feeding and watering chickens can be a fantastic opportunity for children to practice compassion and nurturing skills. Show them the appropriate feed and water containers and explain the importance of a balanced diet for the well-being of the chickens. Encourage kids to monitor the feed levels and ensure fresh water is available at all times.
  4. Chicken Training: Believe it or not, chickens can be trained! Kids can learn the basics of positive reinforcement by teaching chickens simple tricks like coming when called or jumping onto a low perch. This activity promotes patience, focus, and problem-solving while fostering a bond between the children and their feathered friends.
  5. Chicken Agility Course: Designing and building a mini agility course for chickens can be an exciting project for kids. Using simple materials like small ramps, tunnels, and low hurdles, children can create a course to challenge their chickens’ agility and coordination. This activity not only provides amusement but also encourages creative thinking and problem-solving.
  6. Feather Art and Crafts: Utilize the naturally shed feathers from your chickens to create beautiful art and crafts projects. Kids can create feather paintings, bookmarks, dreamcatchers, or even fashion headpieces. This activity sparks creativity and allows children to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of feathers.
  7. Storytelling and Chicken Education: Combine learning and entertainment by encouraging kids to create imaginative stories featuring their chickens. They can invent characters, adventures, and even write and illustrate their own chicken-themed books. This activity stimulates creativity, language development, and fosters a love for storytelling.
  8. Garden Companions: Involve your children in gardening activities alongside the chickens. Chickens can be excellent garden companions, helping to control pests and fertilize the soil. Kids can learn about organic gardening, plant identification, and the importance of sustainable practices.
  9. Watermelon Treats: During the summer, watermelon becomes a refreshing and delicious treat, and guess what? Chickens love it too! Involve your kids in preparing special watermelon treats for the chickens. Not only will this activity be fun for kids, but it also offers a chance to teach them about healthy eating habits for animals. Explain that while watermelon is a tasty treat, it should only be given in moderation as a supplement to their regular diet. Encourage kids to observe how much the chickens enjoy the watermelon and how it can help keep them hydrated during hot summer days.

Introducing children to the world of chickens during the summer months can be a rewarding and enriching experience. Through engaging activities such as coop building, egg collecting, training, and creative endeavors, kids can develop skills, foster compassion, and form a special bond with their feathery companions. These fun and educational activities will not only keep children entertained but also provide valuable life lessons that can last a lifetime. So, get ready for a summer filled with feathers, laughter, and unforgettable memories with chickens.

Have littles that are super little? Check out this post with our friends at Straight Forward Mom!

Looking for Summer fun for really little ones? Check out this post on Straight Forward Mom!

Dandelion Flower Latte

Dandelions are often seen as a pesky weed, but did you know that they have many health benefits? Dandelions have been used for centuries in traditional medicine, and they are believed to have several health benefits, including aiding digestion, lowering blood sugar, reducing inflammation, and supporting liver health.

In addition to their health benefits, dandelions can also be used to make delicious beverages, such as dandelion flower tea and dandelion flower latte. Here’s how to make a dandelion flower latte:


  • 1 cup dandelion flower tea (brewed with 1-2 tablespoons of dried or fresh dandelion flowers)
  • 1 cup milk (of your choice)
  • 1-2 teaspoons honey or maple syrup (optional)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)


  1. Brew 1 cup of dandelion flower tea by steeping 1-2 tablespoons of dried or fresh dandelion flowers in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Strain the flowers and discard them.
  2. Heat 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (or milk of your choice) in a small saucepan over medium heat. Be careful not to let it boil.
  3. Once the milk is heated, use a frother or whisk to create foam on top of the milk.
  4. Add honey or maple syrup to taste (optional).
  5. Pour the dandelion flower tea into a mug, and then pour the frothed milk on top.
  6. Sprinkle ground cinnamon on top (optional).
  7. Serve and enjoy your dandelion flower latte!

Dandelion flower tea has a more delicate flavor than dandelion root tea, and it’s a great way to enjoy the health benefits of dandelions in a delicious and refreshing way. Here are some of the potential benefits of dandelions:

  1. Nutrient-rich: Dandelions are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. They also contain antioxidants that can protect your cells from damage.
  2. May aid digestion: Dandelions contain a substance called inulin, which is a type of fiber that can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut. This can help improve digestion and prevent constipation.
  3. May lower blood sugar: Some studies suggest that dandelions may help regulate blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. The inulin in dandelions may slow the absorption of glucose in the blood, which can prevent blood sugar spikes.
  4. May reduce inflammation: Dandelions contain compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body. This can potentially benefit people with conditions such as arthritis or asthma.
  5. May support liver health: Dandelions are believed to support liver health by promoting the production of bile. Bile helps the liver remove toxins from the body, which can help prevent liver damage and improve overall health.

It’s important to note that while dandelions are generally considered safe, they can interact with certain medications and may cause allergic reactions in some people. Always talk to your doctor before adding dandelions to your diet or taking them as a supplement.

In conclusion, dandelions are a versatile plant with many potential health benefits, and they can be enjoyed in many different ways, including as a tea or latte. Try making a dandelion flower latte today and experience the delicious taste and health benefits of this amazing plant!

Coops For Troops

We were honored to be apart of an amazing line up that donated to the latest Coops For Troops cause.

Brad from Coop Dreams reached out to us about the Stacy family who live right here in San Diego. Kenton served in the U.S. Navy and was stationed in Syria when a piece of shrapnel metal from an IED severely injured him by cutting into his spinal cord.

We got to meet this wonderful family and present them with one of our coops to house 3 pullets donated by Atkinson Urban Farm. To learn more about this American Hero and his family follow along on their Facebook page and stay tuned for the Stacy Coops For Troops episode!

4 Things You Need Before You Build Your Website

Creating a website for your homestead or small business may seem like a tall task. Here I will layout a list of the 4 things you will need to start your online presence.

When Ben and I lived in Las Vegas before we were married, I worked for a website company as a receptionist. It was a random job opening I came across that became something I really enjoyed. I like to think I am a pretty creative person, or at least someone who enjoys creating. Helping create and maintain business websites is something that I found to be very rewarding. Being able to depict a business online successfully is crucial in todays world, and it can be easier than you think if you plan.

To help streamline the process I recommend getting these things together before you pull the trigger. These will help you get the site up and running with no down time. I can tell you from experience that if you are missing some of these items it will delay your site from “going live” and can sit with a “work in progress” homepage for way too long.

The first part of the process will be getting together the content you want displayed on your site.

  1. Think of a domain name.
    • A domain name is what people will type in the search bar to pull up your website. The one you have in mind may be taken so think up a few possibilities. 
    • Tip: Include your service in the domain name, this will help your SEO tremendously. Is the first thing search engines see. If you have your service in your name this makes its highly searchable, thus will pull up ahead of others in your niche that do not have the service listed in the name.

  1. Type up the content for your pages.
    • Decide what pages you want to have listed on your website and type up what will be on each page. This way when you are ready to create you pages you can copy and paste what you already have.
    • A good base start for pages would be: Home | About | Services | Contact

  1. Start getting pictures together.
    • People respond to and remember photos. These are powerful took that can help people get to know you and sell your product.
    • Try to use photos that are appealing and showcase what you want your business to represent. This doesn’t mean you need professional photos (though nice) just photos that are focused and easy to look at.

  1. Find a website hosting service like BlueHost.
    • Now that you have your content you are ready to put it on the world wide web! A hosting company is what stores your website data for you. Personally we use BlueHost and have been happy with the customer service and product. If you choose to go with them click our link and it will walk you through getting your domain name, an editing tool like WordPress and starting the creation process.

Now that you have everything you need what are you waiting for?! Get your business online now! You can do it!

I hope to help you feel empowered to do it yourself and love what you’ve made. I’ll be posting more on more specific features of building websites in the future, so look out for those!

And if you still feel like you are a little out of your element feel free to contact me for my website building rates. I’d love to help!

Nutella Crêpe Craving

I was late on getting on the Nutella bandwagon and now that I’m on, I’ll never be getting off. It is SO good! Of course this kids love it also (they got my sweet tooth) so this brings me to the recipe I want to share with you today.

A few days ago crepes randomly popped into my head, and wouldn’t leave. I didn’t grow up eating them and have only had them a handful of times in my life so I looked up recipes and threw on my apron to try it out. I was super surprised at how incredibly fast and easy it was! I decided to try it again today as a sweet lunch and document it to share. Hope you like it!


  • 6 eggs
  • 1 tsp salt 
  • 1 Tbsp sugar 
  • 1½ cups flour 
  • 4 cups whole milk
  • ¼ cup melted butter or oil


  1. Add 6 eggs, 1 Tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt & 1½ cups flour to a large bowl and whisk until thick batter forms. Slowly add the milk about ½ cup at a time, whisking each time to form a smooth, clump-free batter before adding more milk. Once all milk has been added, pour in 1/4 cup melted butter or oil and whisk for about 1 minute for the oil to be fully incorporated.
  1. Using nonstick skillet: Thoroughly heat over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, ladle a bit of batter into the pan. Pick up the pan and swirl the pan around until the bottom is covered with batter, adding more to cover any gaps. You just want to barely coat the bottom of the pan. 
  2. When the sides of the crepe have started to lift away from the pan, go around the pan with a rubber spatula releasing the side of the crepe. Then gently slide the spatula under the middle of the crepe and flip it over. Cook for about 20-30 seconds and invert onto a dish.
  3. Spread Nutella across the crepe, fold or roll and enjoy!

*If using a regular skillet brush bottom with oil before each crepe.

Save any left over batter for the next day!

See how mine turned out below. I can’t wait to try with whipped cream, berries, little crunchies, the possibilities are endless!

Recipe Reference: Let the Baking Begin

Nesting Box Giveaway

Here are the NESTING BOX GIVEAWAY details

We had SO much fun with our first giveaway that we want to do ANOTHER and it’s BIG! So big your hens can lay an 🥚 in it! To celebrate the up and coming availability of our new item we are wanting to share one with you. Our NESTING BOX GIVEAWAY is here! We understand that chicken math is REAL and have decided to now offer stand alone nesting boxes!

How to enter:

-Follow @mellottchickencoops on Instagram and/or Facebook

-Like the post

-Tag a friend in the comment section (no limit, multiple tags = multiple entires)

*Extra Entry Opportunity! – share this post in your story & make sure to tag us!

Giveaway is also running on both our Facebook and Instagram page – be sure to follow us in both for more entry opportunities!

This giveaway is open to anyone who wants to follow us and become chicken loving friends. Though it is the responsibility of the winner to pick up the nesting box in San Diego in either Lakeside, CA or Descanso, CA.

The giveaway closes on Sunday August 23rd, 2020, at 10 p.m. Winner will be announced on Monday August 24th. Comment multiple times to increase your chances of winning! 

Good luck all our chicken loving friends!

These are for those who find themself with more hens than boxes or maybe want to separate a flock. Whatever your reason we are here to help! We will offer stained and unstained just like our coops and runs. The only difference with these are that they are PICK UP ONLY unless added onto a coop order. Pick up location will be in either Lakeside, CA or Descanso, CA.

Take a look at our pricing page if you are interested in purchasing!